July Update

A few new necklace designs available in my shop this summer! 

Finally have a moment to sit and write a proper entry! The past few months have been...exhausting. Between work, convention prep and attending the actual conventions, I'm really looking forward to a nice quiet summer working at home! This was the first year I decided to attend three conventions in a row and to be honest, not too sure I'll be doing that again anytime soon! 

More items available in my shop!
Last show was Heroes Con, in NC. Fun show this year! below are a few of the pre-con commissions painted for pick-up at the show. I've been getting a ton of e-mails about commissions lately, I hate to say it, but I'm really pulling back on the number of commissions I'm taking from now on. While I love painting them, I'm going to be focusing on painting a bit more for myself, gallery shows and personal projects in my free time (plus work assignments!). I do have a small list for the fall-winter months, but am not taking on nearly as many paintings as I was. 

On that note, I finally got some time to reopen my Etsy shop! I will be updating it often and selling a few originals, prints, jewelry, tote bags, (possibly some custom vinyl toys!), etc. I'm going to try and have new collections of jewelry and prints in the shop each season. I'm getting really excited for the coming fall months, especially planning out Halloween jewelry and art! 

*ALSO*, The release date for My First Ghost is right around the corner! I'll update before the release with any signing/launch events coming up in the NYC area :)

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